What Type of Serve Is Used in Pickleball?

Are you ready to improve your pickleball game and dominate on the court? One essential skill every player should master is their serve, but where do you begin with so many different types of serves out there?

what type of serve is used in pickleball
LPETTET – iStock

In this blog post, we’ll dive into pickleball serves and explore what type of serve best suits your playing style. From fast-paced power shots to tricky spin serves, get ready to up your game and become a serving superstar!

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What Are the Serving Rules?

In pickleball, each side serves twice in succession before switching off at the end of each rally or point. The server must stand behind the baseline while serving and may only step over it after players have hit the serve.

Furthermore, the service must travel diagonally across the court from one side’s service zone to the other side’s service zone without touching any obstacles or bouncing more than once before being returned by their opponent’s paddle.

what are serving rules
Ron Alvey – Shutterstock

After hitting their serve, players may move anywhere they choose around their court if they do not impede their opponents’ shots or hinder them from returning them properly. When serving, players should be aware of specific “faults” which could result in points being awarded to their opponent instead if violated during play:

  • Serving out of turn.
  • Hitting a double fault.
  • Missing the ball entirely.
  • Contacting any part of netting with a paddle during a serve.
  • Not following diagonal patterns when serving.
  • Touching any part of the opposing court before contact with the ball by the opponent’s paddle.

These rules help keep pickleball competitive and fun!

How to Serve in Pickleball?

The objective of the pickleball game is for players to hit the ball over the net with their paddles and into their opponent’s court. Serving in pickleball is one of the essential skills to master to become successful at this game. Here are some tips on how to serve in pickleball:

how to serve in pickleball
Ron Alvey – Shutterstock
  • Stand behind your baseline and use an underhanded swing when serving the ball. It will give you greater control over where your serve goes as opposed to an overhand swing which can cause more unpredictable results because it’s harder to control where it goes after being struck by your paddle.
  • Ensure you grip your paddle properly when serving; use a continental grip with your thumb pointing down towards the ground and fingers spread apart for maximum control during serves and returns.
  • When striking the ball, make sure you hit it cleanly without any spin so that it will travel straight across without any deviation from its original trajectory; otherwise, it could end up going out of bounds or causing confusion for both sides as they attempt to return shots off unpredictable spins from serves that deviate too much from their original intended direction/pathway across court boundaries/lines.
  • Consider using different types of serves, such as lobbing (hitting high-arcing shots) or skimming (hitting low-angled shots), which can enable players to create a strategic advantage against their opponents by making them move around more within their respective boundaries. Instead of having them stand still waiting for returns directly back at them after striking each serve sent across court lines respectively. By either player engaging within competitive match settings while playing pickleball games together competitively online or offline alike!

By following these tips, you will understand better how to serve in pickleball and increase your chances of success on the court.

Types of Advanced Serves

Once you’ve played pickleball, you might question how to get better. The serve is a crucial component of the game because you can only score on your serve. I recently spoke with several of the more experienced players at our neighborhood gym to get serving advice.

Advanced Serve
eyecrave productions – iStock

Pickleball advanced serves can be made in six different ways:

  • High Soft Serve
  • Power Serve
  • Soft Angle Serve
  • Centerline Serve
  • Kitchen Corner Serve
  • Lob Serve

Each of these methods has benefits. Changing your serves can help you win more games and keep your opponent guessing.

High Soft Serve

Pickleball has become one of the fastest-growing sports in the US, and its popularity is rising. High soft serve in pickleball is technique players use to hit a shot that gives them more control over their shots and allows them to place their shots precisely.

High soft serve is achieved by using a light grip on the paddle and hitting up toward your opponent’s court from an angle above your shoulder or elbow. This type of shot requires precise timing, as it will go high if timed too early or low if timed too late.

A high soft serve can surprise opponents and win points quickly when done correctly. It also requires good concentration, as players must focus on their aim while playing this shot. With practice, players can master this technique and use it strategically during games for maximum impact.

Power Serve

One of the key shots in pickleball is the power serve. This advanced technique requires skill and practice but can be highly effective when executed correctly.

A power serve is when one player serves the ball with great force so that it lands deep into their opponent’s court, making it difficult for them to return it successfully. To properly execute this shot, players must have excellent control over their paddle and good timing and accuracy while striking the ball at an angle across the net.

Power Serve
Tempura – iStock

Power serves to require practice but can give players an advantage if they can master them properly by increasing their chances of winning points quickly. Power serves also make pickleball more exciting for spectators since it involves fast-paced action and higher skill levels than other shots in pickleball matches.

Players who can accurately hit powerful serves consistently will have the edge over opponents who lack such abilities or don’t take enough time practicing them beforehand.

Soft Angle Serve

Soft angle serves in pickleball are a great way to gain an advantage during a game. It involves hitting the ball slightly off-center, intending to make it land inside the baseline and bounce onto your opponent’s side of the court.

Soft Angle Serve
Ron Alvey – Shutterstock

This type of serve can be tricky to master, but once you do, you’ll have an excellent weapon in your armory. The trick is to hit the ball with enough force to bounce just inside your opponent’s side of the court, giving them little time to react.

It also requires precise timing and placement to be effective; if you hit too hard, too soft, or mishit it all together, this technique will only slightly affect your opponent’s play. Mastering smooth angle serves will give you a significant edge over other players who don’t use this tactic, so practice before trying it out during actual gameplay!

Centerline Serve

Pickleball players can enhance their skills by using the centerline serve strategy. The Centerline Serve necessitates the player serving from the court’s Centerline, resulting in a more precise and potent shot.

Precision is necessary for this move because even small mistakes might lead to an opponent’s return that is misplaced or an off-balance stroke. Players must stand in the Centerline, aim at their target on the other side of the court, and strike the ball hard to execute the Centerline Serve well.

Players can refine this serve with repetition, giving them more control over where their strokes land during pickleball matches.

Centerline Serve
LPETTET – iStock

Kitchen Corner Serve

Kitchen Corner Serve in Pickleball is a unique way to play the game. It involves having two players serve from corner to corner of the pickleball court while the other players play a regular point. This style of play keeps the action going and can be very exciting.

The serve must travel diagonally across the court, with one player serving from each side. The Kitchen Corner Serve adds an element of strategy to pickleball as it requires your opponents to adjust their strategy and positioning quickly to return your serves or shots that come out of this type of serve.

Kitchen Corner Serve
Ron Alvey – Shutterstock

It also works well for doubles games as it allows both teams to get involved in returning shots quickly and can even help generate more points when used correctly. Kitchen Corner Serve in Pickleball is a great way to add some extra excitement to your next game and will keep all your opponents on their toes.

Lob Serve

In pickleball, lob serves are a strategy for scoring. You must use power and spin to get the ball over the net and into your opponent’s court. They use this serve when players want to score from a greater distance or stop their opponent’s momentum.

The lob serve has the potential to set up potent shots or open up spaces for passing shots, making it a helpful technique for both offensive and defensive players. When done correctly, this serve can provide you an advantage over your opponent and keep you one step ahead.

How to Serve an Ace in Pickleball?

Serving an ace in pickleball is a great way to start the point and gain an early advantage. An ace serves as a direct winner, meaning that the server wins the point without rallying. You’ll need good technique, power, and accuracy to serve an ace correctly.

To begin your serve, stand at least two feet behind the baseline and take a comfortable stance with one foot slightly ahead of the other. Place your non-dominant hand on your hip while holding onto the paddle with both hands in front of you. Toss up your ball with enough height to clear over the net when hit but not too high that it becomes easier to control when striking it.

Once you’ve tossed up your ball, move quickly into position by taking one step forward and bringing your dominant arm back for momentum before swinging forward for impact as soon as possible.

Make sure to aim just inside or outside of either corner of the service box—this will give you more room for error than if aiming directly at either the sideline or center line during this shot—and use full power from start to finish for maximum speed on impact and topspin on contact with ball-to-paddle contact made near its edge rather than its face or handle portion (for less resistance).

By applying these tips regularly when serving during pickleball matches, players should be able to increase their chances of scoring an ace significantly!


How to put a spin on your serve in pickleball?

In pickleball, you should rotate your wrist slightly and slice the ball to put a spin on your serve. The ball will spin in the air, as a result, making it challenging for your adversary to attempt a comeback. Also, you can serve with topspin or backspin to change how the ball bounces and add variation to your game. Practice striking against a wall or playing with a partner to acquire the desired spin.

Does a pickleball serve to have to be underhand?

Yes, a pickleball serve must be underhand. According to the official rules of pickleball, all serves must be hit with an underhand stroke and below waist level.

How to increase serving power in pickleball?

To increase serving power in pickleball, focus on developing a powerful serve technique. Work on improving your arm swing, hip turn, and footwork. Increase the arcs of your swing to generate more force and spin. Make sure to practice with lighter balls to increase speed without sacrificing control. Finally, build up your upper body strength by doing push-ups and chest presses to help you generate more power when serving.

Wrap Up

There has yet to be a definitive answer regarding what type of serve is used in pickleball. Some players prefer a flat serve deep into the court, while others believe a high bounce serve with more topspin is more effective.

Ultimately, the best way to find out what serving style works best for you is to experiment and see what gets your opponent off balance and open up opportunities to hit the ball back.

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