Chainsaw Serve Pickleball: Legal or Illegal Pickleball Serve?

Well, the pickleball game is easy to learn and can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. However, there is a controversial move in pickleball that has been causing a lot of debate among players and fans. It is called the chainsaw serve.

It involves rolling the ball against the paddle, sometimes even including the grip, as the ball is being tossed. Then the player hits the fast-spinning ball to finish the serve.

But is the chainsaw serving legal or illegal? And how is it ruining the game? In this blog post, we will explore these questions and more.

What Is Chainsaw Serve?

The chainsaw serve is designed to surprise and confuse opponents with its unpredictable movement and direction. It can be especially effective when serving to an opponent’s backhand, as they may have trouble adjusting to the spin.

How Is Chainsaw Serve Ruining the Game?

The second question that arises when discussing the chainsaw serve is how it is affecting the game of pickleball. Some players may think that this service is a clever and creative way to add some spice and challenge to the game. Others may think that this serve is a cheap and cheesy way to score easy points and ruin the fun and fairness of the game.

The main argument against the chainsaw serve is that it goes against the original intention and purpose of pickleball. Pickleball was created as a social and recreational game that emphasizes skill, strategy, and sportsmanship over power and speed. The chainsaw serve, on the other hand, relies on trickery, deception, and luck rather than skill.

Another argument against the chainsaw serve is that it reduces the quality and enjoyment of rallies. The chainsaw serve, however, often ends rallies before they even begin, as opponents struggle to return or even see the ball.

Furthermore, the chainsaw serve is that it creates a negative and hostile atmosphere among players. Pickleball is supposed to be a friendly and respectful game that fosters camaraderie and community among players. The chainsaw serve, however, can cause frustration, anger, and resentment among opponents who feel cheated or disrespected by this move.

Is the Chainsaw Serve Legal or Illegal?

The answer is not so simple, as there are no specific rules that prohibit or allow this move. According to the official rulebook of the USA Pickleball Association (USAPA), the only requirements for a legal serve are:

  • The serve must be made underhand.
  • The paddle must contact the ball below waist level.
  • The server must hit the ball after it bounces on the ground.
  • The ball must land in the diagonal service court.

As you can see, there is nothing in these rules that explicitly forbids rolling the ball against the paddle before hitting it. However, some players may argue that this move violates the spirit of the game and gives an unfair advantage to the server.

The USAPA has not issued any official statement or clarification on this matter yet, so it is up to each player’s discretion and judgment whether to use or accept this serve.

Debate Among Pickleball Players!

The chainsaw serve has sparked much debate among pickleball players with different opinions and perspectives on this move. Some players support and defend this serve as a legitimate and innovative technique that adds variety and excitement to the game. Others oppose and criticize this serve as an illegitimate and unethical tactic that detracts from the game’s essence and spirit.

Here are some examples of what pickleball players have said about this serve:

  • “I think it’s awesome! It’s fun to watch and fun to do. It’s not easy to pull off either. You need good timing, coordination, and accuracy. It’s not cheating at all.”
  • “I think it’s awful! It’s annoying to play against and boring to watch. It’s too easy to do too. You just roll the ball on your paddle and whack it. It’s definitely cheating.”
  • “I think it’s not okay! It’s not part of the game at all so you shouldn’t do it. It’s disrespectful to your opponent and yourself. You should play with honor and integrity.”
  • “I think it’s okay! It’s not my favorite thing but I don’t mind it either. It’s part of the game now so you have to deal with it. Sometimes I use it too if I feel like it.”

As you can see, there are many views on this serve among pickleball players. There is no consensus or agreement on whether this service should be allowed or banned from pickleball.


Who calls an illegal serve in pickleball?

In tournament play, there may be referees or line judges who can call an illegal serve in pickleball. However, they may not always see or catch every fault or violation. Therefore, it is still up to each player’s responsibility and integrity to follow the rules.

Can you hit the kitchen line on a serve in pickleball?

Yes, you can hit the kitchen line on a serve in pickleball, as long as the ball lands inside the service court. The kitchen line, also known as the non-volley zone line, is only relevant for volleys, not for serves or groundstrokes.

Well, It’s a Wrap!

We hope this blog post has helped you understand what chainsaw serve in pickleball is, how it works, and how it affects the game. Whether you love it or hate it, you have to admit that it is a fascinating and controversial move that has stirred up a lot of discussion and debate among pickleball players.

What do you think about chainsaw serve in pickleball? Do you use it or avoid it? Do you accept it or reject it? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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