Pickleball Drills to Level Up Your Skills

Staying active and having fun is easy with pickleball!

We can help you improve your pickleball skills and take your game to the next level. You will learn how to improve your pickleball skills with drills in this article.

Furthermore, we will discuss the importance of pickleball drills and provide pickleball drills for all skill levels. Our drills will be suitable for beginners, intermediate players, and advanced players.

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Therefore, no matter what your skill level is, you can find a drill that will help you advance. As a final point, here are a few tips on how to use these drills in your practice sessions.

Okay, let’s begin!

How to Improve Pickleball Skills With Drills?

To become a better pickleball player, practicing regularly and using drills to improve your skills is essential. Drills help players improve and hone specific skills, such as accuracy, power, and reaction time.

For example, a drill focusing on accuracy would involve having the player hit the pickleball to the same target area multiple times. It will help the player become more consistent and accurate.

how to improve pickleball skills with drills
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Another drill that can help improve pickleball skills is a reaction drill. It involves having the player hit the pickleball to different court areas and reacting quickly to where the ball goes. It will help the player become more adept at responding to where the ball is going and increase their agility.

Finally, another drill that can help improve pickleball skills is a power drill. It involves having the player hit the pickleball with increasing power. It will help the player become more powerful and accurate with their shots, increasing their chances of success.

Overall, drills are an effective way to improve pickleball skills. By focusing on accuracy, reaction time, and power, players can become better and more consistent pickleball players.

How Important Are Pickleball Drills?

Pickleball drills are an essential part of the development of any pickleball player. Pickleball drills can help players improve their skills and help them become better players. They can help players increase their agility, speed, accuracy, and overall game knowledge.

Pickleball drills also allow players to become more aware of their opponent’s movements and strategies. Furthermore, drills can help players to develop the mental capacity needed to succeed in the game.

Any pickleball player who wants to improve their game and become a better player needs pickleball drills.

Pickleball Drills to Up Your Game

Pickleball is a fast-paced game that requires agility, finesse, and skill to master. To up your game, try these pickleball drills.

pickleball drills to up your game
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Beginner drills help you develop basic skills such as hand-eye coordination, footwork, and ball control. Intermediate drills introduce advanced techniques, including spin shots, volleys, and dinks. Advanced drills incorporate a variety of strategies and include ladders and target practice.

Let’s check some pickleball drills in detail –

Beginner Pickleball Drills

These drills help you learn the basics of the game and develop a solid foundation of skills. Some beginner drills are tip-to-grip or paddle bumps, selfie ball bounce, pickleball wall, dink, serve, volley, and drop shot drills.

  • Tip to Grip or Paddle Bump: This drill helps you get a feel for your paddle and the ball bounce. You hold your paddle horizontally and bounce the ball on it, alternating between the top and bottom sides of the paddle face. You also try to bounce the ball from the tip to the base of the paddle face.
  • Selfie Ball Bounce: This drill helps you control the ball and keep your posture square. You hold your paddle horizontally, bounce the ball off it, then let it off the ground. You repeat this while keeping your knees bent and your feet in one place or moving side to side.
  • Pickleball Wall Drills: This drill helps you practice eye-hand control, paddle control, ball placement, and fast hands. You find a wall with tape 34 inches off the ground (the net’s height) and hit the ball against it. You can vary your shots’ speed, angle, and spin.
pickleball wall drills
Natali Kuzina – Shutterstock
  • Dink Drill: This drill helps you master the dink shot, a soft shot that lands in your opponent’s court’s non-volley zone (also known as the kitchen). You can practice this drill with a partner or alone by repeatedly hitting the ball over the net and into the kitchen. You can also move around the court and change your shots’ direction.
  • Serve Drill: This drill helps you improve your serve, which is the first shot of every rally. You can practice this drill by serving from different positions on the court and aiming at other targets on your opponent’s court. You can also vary your serves’ speed, spin, and depth.
  • Volley Drills: This drill helps you improve your volley, a shot you hit before the ball bounces on your court. You can practice this drill with a partner by hitting volleys over the net and into your opponent’s court. You can also move closer or farther from the net and change the angle and speed of your volleys.
  • Drop Shot Drill: This drill helps you improve your drop shot, a shot you hit softly over the net and into your opponent’s non-volley zone. You can practice this drill with a partner or alone by hitting drop shots from different positions on the court. You can also aim for other spots on your opponent’s court. You can also vary drop shots’ height, spin, and trajectory.

Intermediate Pickleball Drills

These drills help you progress to more advanced skills and techniques involving spin, speed, and placement accuracy. Some intermediate drills are third shot drop and returns, back and forths, the kitchen runs, skinny pickle, zing zang, and volley battle.

  • Third Shot Drop and Return: This drill helps you practice the third shot drop, a soft shot that lands in the non-volley zone of your opponent’s court after the serve and return. It’s also good to practice returning the third shot drop with a dink or drive. You can do this drill with a partner or a ball machine.
  • Back and Forths: This drill helps you work on distance control and drop shots. You and your partner hit the ball back and forth over the net from the baseline. You try to land it as close to the net as possible without plugging it into the net or being out of bounds. You can also vary your shots’ speed and spin.
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  • The Kitchen Runs: This drill helps you improve your transition from the baseline to the non-volley zone. You and your partner hit the ball back and forth over the net from the baseline, then one of you runs to the non-volley zone and tries to dink the ball back. The other player then runs to the non-volley zone and tries to dink it back. You repeat this until one of you misses or hits a winner.
  • Skinny Pickle: This drill improves accuracy and consistency. You and your partner play singles on a narrow court that is only one-third the width of a regular court. You can only hit the ball within the small court boundaries. You can also vary the scoring system to make it more challenging.
  • Zing Zang: This drill improves cross-court shots and angles. You and your partner play a doubles game on a regular court, but you can only hit the ball cross-court to your diagonal opponent. You cannot hit the ball straight ahead or down the line. You can also vary your shots’ speed and spin.
  • Volley Battle: This drill improves your volleys and reflexes. You and your partner stand at the non-volley zone line and hit volleys back and forth over the net as fast and hard as you can. You try to hit winners or force errors from your opponent. You can also move closer or farther from the net to change the difficulty.
  • Spin: This drill helps you improve your spin shots and spin returns. You and your partner hit different spin shots over the net, such as topspin, backspin, sidespin, or corkscrew spins. You try to control the spin and placement of your shots and return your opponents’ spin shots with accuracy.

Advanced Drills

These drills help you challenge yourself with advanced skills and strategies that require high control and reaction speed. Some advanced drills are the sideburns, the vicious hooks, the 2-touch drill, the spin, and the fireball.

  • Sideburns: This drill helps you practice hitting the ball on the move and changing the ball’s direction. One player stands on one side of the court and serves the ball to different locations on the other. As the other player hits every ball back, he uses only lateral movements to achieve this goal. The server then switches to the other side of the court and repeats the drill.
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  • The Vicious Hook: This drill helps you practice hitting and returning spin shots. It works best with three or four players of any skill level. The players volley back and forth at a pace that allows them to keep a long rally going. They try to hit the ball with as much spin as possible, using different types of spin such as topspin, backspin, sidespin, or corkscrew spin.
  • The 2-Touch Drill: This drill improves ball control and reaction speed. It works best between two players of similar skill levels. The players stand at the non-volley zone line and hit volleys back and forth over the net. They try to hit the ball twice with their paddle before sending it over the net. They can use any part of their paddle to touch the ball, such as the edge, the handle, or the face.
  • The Skinny Pickle: This drill improves accuracy and consistency. You and your partner play singles on a narrow court that is only one-third the width of a regular court. You can only hit the ball within the small court boundaries. You can also vary the scoring system to make it more challenging.
  • The Zing Zang: This drill improves cross-court shots and angles. You and your partner play a doubles game on a regular court, but you can only hit the ball cross-court to your diagonal opponent. You cannot beat the ball straight ahead or down the line. You can also vary your shots’ speed and spin.
  • The Volley Battle: This drill improves your volleys and reflexes. You and your partner stand at the non-volley zone line and hit volleys back and forth over the net as fast and hard as you can. You try to hit winners or force errors from your opponent. You can also move closer or farther from the net to change the difficulty.
  • Spin: This drill improves spin shots and returns. You and your partner hit different spin shots over the net, such as topspin, backspin, sidespin, or corkscrew spin. You try to control the spin and placement of your shots and return your opponents’ spin shots with accuracy.

Regardless of your skill level, the drills will help you take your game to the next level. Give them a try, and watch your pickleball skills improve.


What Is Pickleball Drills?

Pickleball drills are practice activities and exercises used to help improve a player’s pickleball skills. These drills can range from basic footwork drills to more complex game-specific drills.

How to level up in pickleball?

To level up in pickleball, practice regularly, focus on building good form and technique, and attend local tournaments and pickleball clinics. Additionally, try to play with players of a higher skill level to challenge yourself and take your game to the next level.

How to improve the pickleball game?

Players should focus on developing their technical skills, such as stroke technique, footwork, and court positioning, to improve the pickleball game. Additionally, they should practice with partners of varying skill levels to enhance their adaptability and agility. Finally, players should focus on developing mental skills such as focus and concentration and strategies for winning points.

How to serve stronger in pickleball?

To serve stronger in pickleball, focus on using your core and leg muscles to generate power. Keep your arm as straight as possible and snap your wrist at the swing’s end to increase your serve’s speed and spin. Practice your serve regularly to improve strength and accuracy.

Wrap Up!

Pickleball drills are essential for improving your skills and taking your game to the next level. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced player, practicing drills can help you become a better pickleball player.

Beginner drills can help you develop the basics, while intermediate and advanced drills can challenge experienced players. You can improve your pickleball skills and up your game with suitable drills.

Now it’s time to grab your paddle, ball, and partner and hit the court. Try out some of these drills and see how they can improve your skills. Have fun and happy drilling!😊

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